Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pet siblings

Does anyone else have pets who act like siblings?? I have two kids and the sibling rivalry is ON but I've noticed in the last week that my dog and cat have a similar relationship. If the dog is outside, the cat cries at the door. If the dog is inside, the cat cries at the door. If the dog gets sliced turkey, the cat screams for it even though she will not actually eat it. If the cat is on the bed, the dog is resentful. If the cat is on the dog bed, he stares until she moves. If the dog smells cat food, watch out. He's on it like white on rice.

I have always wanted a cat and a dog at the same time. But this is too much. Between the cat and the dog, the boy and the girl, the husband and the wife, holy crap. It's a bit much.

Can't we all just get along?!?!?